What to do in an emergency
If you have chest pain or a life-threatening emergency you should always call 999
The emergency GP service operates when your GP surgery is closed. If you have a medical condition that isn’t life-threatening but cannot wait until the surgery opens, you should telephone your usual doctor’s surgery and your call will be automatically diverted or an automated message will give you the number of the out-of-hours service.
The duty doctor will offer you medical advice over the telephone or advise you to attend a consultation at the out-of-hours surgery. In exceptional circumstances, the doctor may arrange a home visit. The out-of-hours doctors’ surgery, based at Noble’s Hospital, is not a drop-in service and patients should note that they will not be seen by the duty doctor without an appointment.
The service is available from 6pm to 8am Monday to Friday, with 24-hour cover over weekends and Bank Holidays.